Tag Archives: Florida

April 22, 2014

Hello World,

As usual, there has been nothing to write about. However, I have been feeling guilty about ignoring this blog so…here I am!

I’m in Florida for the vacation. I came in last night, and we had homemade nachos for dinner. We also watched the first half of the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. My little brothers are adorable….hyper and crazy, but still cute. I can’t believe how huge they are!

Today we left the kids at home with their babysitter and went on a dolphin cruise at the Tampa Bay Aquarium. It was pretty awesome. We saw many many birds and about four dolphins. They really are beautiful animals. Three of them kept doing this weird thing where they came up and slapped the water with their tails. The guide was pretty psyched; apparently it’s not common to see them do that. They were playing, too, rolling around on top and swimming under each other.

It’s really warm here, and sunny! I posted another Lookbook from Florida…all my other posts are pictures of me inside because it’s still too cold in New England to take pictures outside. Plus I have to take them on my laptop since my iPod is shot to hell and I have no other form of technology… 😦

Here’s the link: http://lookbook.nu/user/3349341-Mikaela

I made those shorts. They were really ugly knee-length high-waisted biker shorts from Harley-Davidson. I got them at a thrift store, and it took me a good four hours to shred them because the material is so thick. It was worth it though; they are now my favorite pair of shorts. The shirt is white, and you can’t see it but it has transparent lettering saying “Dance Until Dawn”. Anyway, I thought I would share the (warm weather!) outfit.

Wild Dancer out.

February 20, 2014

Hello World.

I am in Florida!! It is beautiful here, all nice and sunny and warm. I am soaking in the vitamin D and drinking more water than I have ever had in my entire life. It is awesome.

When I woke up at 8 AM, I was immediately attacked by my two little brothers. The oldest, who is turning 4 in March, could barely believe his eyes and gave me huge bear hugs. The youngest, who is turning 3 in August, was super shy at first, but eventually gave hugs and cuddles. He is basically a living teddy bear; it is adorable.

I played with them for about two hours. Their favorite thing to do was jump on top of me and send me crashing to the floor. I was also delegated the role of “horsey”, “human”, “giraffe” and “amboolence…no sister, it talks”. It was so much fun. Meanwhile, the temperature climbed to about 83 degrees. We had a cookout (with veggie sausage for us vegetarians), and the boys squirted each other with the hose.

Once their babysitter Miss Jessica came at one, we left. We went to Lettuce Lake, named for the amount of water lettuce growing in it. There were two boardwalks teeming with wildlife. There were about five different kinds of water birds (including a heron that looked a hell of a lot like a penguin), four snapping turtles, and even an alligator that was chilling on a dead log in the middle of the swampy part of the lake. It goes without saying that we also saw a hefty amount of what passes for wasps in Florida.

Every single bug down here is about forty times the size of the bugs back home. Except the ants. There are these tiny little ants in my dad’s house and they are creeping me the creep out. They are all over the bathroom, and I am so paranoid…I hate hate hate ants/spiders/wasps/creepy crawly bugs. I don’t mind the non creepy ones like caterpillars and beetles, but the potentially dangerous ones are the worst. If I find ants in my makeup tomorrow I am going to freak. Seriously.

Anyway, the forecast calls for rain tomorrow, but I am hoping we get the chance to head to the beach. I need some relax time. OH and I made my (current) goal of 2 minutes of fairly easy plank. So after maybe another week of 2 minutes I will bump it to 2 minutes 30 seconds. My ultimate goal was 3 minutes but maybe 5 is reachable. I don’t know…

Wild Dancer out.

February 16, 2014

Hello World.

I meant to post on Valentine’s Day, but something drastic happened…


Okay, maybe not that drastic. But because my i-Pod touch died, and my cell phone is a dinosaur, my laptop is my only connection to the 21st century. So when it gets taken, I lose Facebook (actually not that big of a loss), my email (actually kind of important), and any kind of beautiful danisnotonfire videos I may spend a few minutes- or hours..shhhh- watching.

But I took it back and she hasn’t noticed yet, so I am in the clear for now. And all that means is it spent two nights downstairs in the dining room instead of my bedroom floor. But now I have it back and I will be more careful not to let her see me use Facebook. Because according to her this is a “school laptop”, meaning I am only allowed to do boring things like check my Chemistry grade and type essays on it. Yeah, right.

OH I saw Gladiator last night. That movie is beautiful. The beginning, I have to say, sucked, but as soon as Maximus (played by the beautiful, younger Russell Crowe) finds his dead family, the movie becomes one of the best. Joaquin Phoenix is amazing as Caesar’s corrupt son. And I had a very hard time not crying at the end. I won’t spoil it, but it was beautiful. Plus the cinematography and the fight scenes were perfect. I loved it. Although the character played by Joaquin may or may not have given me mild bad dreams…

Anyway, that’s about it. Oh, and my dad’s a pain in the ass, so I’m not actually flying out to Florida until Wednesday. I’m only spending like 2 full days there. It kinda sucks….I guess I’m not gonna get the tan I wanted. Oh well…

Wild Dancer out.